Insight from Mentor and Pregnant daughter

This has been a very busy year for me, with two big volunteering projects. Yesterday I finally got to read a good portion of emails I have received from my book mentor. Have you ever read something that you may have read over and over and then someone explains it in a slightly different manner and understanding dawns? The light bulb moment. Or sometimes you know about different principles but then the knowing becomes even deeper embedded.

This is what happened when I reviewed one of the emails from my book mentor which I copied below, and then I understood it at a deeper level by reflecting on my daughter being pregnant. Read what my mentor wrote first and then I will give you my insight, and you will see an instant connection to use in any area of your life, and golf, especailly if you are trying to incorporate the message from the movie“The Secret” and the Law of Attraction.

How to ‘Be’ a Best Selling Author Before You Are A Best Selling

“I said in my last email that this email could be the most important
key to your success as an author. Let me explain.

Have you heard of the ‘Be, Do, Have’ mindset? You see this is a
mindset that the majority of us humans have backwards and we end up
frustrating ourselves.

Most people think that you need to ‘Have’ something first before
you can ‘Do’ and ‘Be’ something. Why doesn’t this work? Because you
are waiting for something external to happen before you can ‘Be’
what you want to ‘Be’. Sorry it just doesn’t happen that way.

Happiness for example doesn’t come from something but rather a
decision to ‘Be’ happy.

I will often talk to my students and ask how they are coming
along with their books and they tell me about all these external
things that they must ‘Have’ before they become published authors
and unfortunately for some of them these external things just never

I encourage them and let them know they are already best selling
authors and if they could just except that fact they would start
acting and ‘Being’ one and then they would ‘Do’ what best selling
authors ‘Do’ and ultimately ‘Have’ what best selling authors ‘Have’.

So the good news is that you are all best selling authors, except
the facts and don’t let anyone tell you differently just because
they can’t see it yet.

Just ‘Be’ it and once you ‘Be’ it you will ‘Do’ it and then of
course you will ‘Have’ it.

Jeff and I became best selling authors only after we understood
this fact.”

Bob Burnham

I am rewriting this line …”Just ‘Be’ it and once you ‘Be’ it you will ‘Do’ it and then of
course you will ‘Have’ it”… This is the natural process of life, here is another way of viewing it.

My daughter and her husband first decided they wanted to BE parents, then they had to “Do it” and in a few more months they will ‘Have’ their baby. If you read my last blog I wrote about having patience, my book is a birthing process, like my daughter is having. In the Goddess tradtion wheat is one symbol for the tranformation. You want bread, first it must grow, then it is cut, ground, and finally it is baked in an oven. This all takes time. The gestation period is never still there is growth going on. But we may not always see the process. When we are impatient, we are in a sense beating up on ourselves. Let go into the natural rythmn the ebb and flow of all things. The waiting, the growth and finally the birth.

As I mentioned at the beginning you can incorporate this into any area of life, and of course if you want to be a great golfer.

For more information on Bob please visit his website on this tag.
Bob Burnham, Entrepreneur, Consultant and Author of the # 1 Amazon
Best Seller
‘101 Reasons Why You Must Write A Book’
How To Make A 6 Figure Income Writing & Publishing Your Own Book

About Margarit Brigham

Margarit Brigham is an author of a spiritual Goddess and golf book, yoga teacher, Goddess Mentor, Vibrational Healer and Radio show host. She has been on a mission for many years to connect people to the sacredness of Mother Earth and all her creatures. Along the way she has initiated many people to a Oneness and Heart opening energy tool the Cosmic Breath which has resulted in living and coaching a magical lifestyle. Find her personal and planetary teachings that Aid in bringing forth the New World and service to your magical self at this blog To inquire about group coaching or Private on-line sessions you may contact her through email
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